Rich Edwards from IMBA, imba.com , came out again, today, and brought along Dan Hudson, another IMBA Trail Specialist. Dan is from Silver Springs, MD and has some free time to devote to our little project here at Shenandoah River S.P. Thanks to both for coming out on such a dreary and cold day.
The purpose of the visit was to introduce Dan to me and the park, and flag some of the conceptual trail alignments Rich produced in map form, but we had already beat them to it. Rich made this really sweet conceptual map, and we (Ben Thomas and I) have flagged 90% of it. So, instead of flagging, we drug Rich and Dan out in the woods with us to check our flagged alignments of Rich's conceptual proposal. They were pretty stoked about the flag lines Ben and I laid out. They liked what we had done, and not knowing what to expect, found that we had a very good grasp of how to flag a sustainable and fun trail alignment. There are some very minor tweaks we need to do to our flag lines, but overall, they were impressed. And that made me feel very good about my abilities and intuition, our progress, and how far we have come in a relatively short period. We've also learned a LOT!
Wish I had a picture of a flag line, or of us flagging, but I'll post two pics of Rich's conceptual plan.